you can find daily joy in your life no matter your circumstance

Join me in slowing down the pace, focus on the things in our lives that already bring us joy, and even get a little creative in finding new ways to create joy.

What if you could...

1. turn to the savior, instead of away from, during hard times

This Joy Journal will give you prompts to stop and notice how the Savior is showing up in your life and in your story.

2. PUT your focus and energy on the things that bring you joy and fulfillment in life

With prompts that help you recognize where your focus currently is and where you want it to be this Joy Journal will help you weed out what is not necessary and what can be prioritized.

3. Not let the disappointing things in life overcome you mentally, emotionally and spiritually

This Joy Journal gives you journaling space and other prompts needed to help you organize your thoughts and ideas.


i can find joy today

Your four week guide to recognizing the good things in your life no matter the circumstance.

Here's what's included:

Guided Prompts

Multiple guided prompts to help you recognize the good that is already happening in your day.

Journaling Space

Extra journaling space that allows you to have free writing for thoughts, ideas and more.

Mini Weekly Challenges

Challenges every week that will help you get creative in creating joy in a way that works for you.

"Amber's Joy Journal helped me realize that not only were there so many good things already happening in my life but that I had the ability to create joy within my limits and boundaries. It helped me understand that I don't need excessive things to have a full and happy life. I just needed to weed out the things that didn't matter, and then focus and prioritize the things that really truly matter to me. Filling out these journal pages with the guided prompts helped me do that."

-Karson Neel

hi there!

I'm amber

I am so happy you are here!

I am a speaker, teacher and social media presence. I have many life experiences that include having a special needs child, divorce and the death of my second husband. All of these have landed me on a path I never thought I would be on, and never wanted to.

But I have found that we can still have extreme joy in our lives even with extreme disappointment. As a single mom to four kids I do my best to focus on the good that is already happening in my life, create joy for my family and consistency strengthen my relationship with the Savior. I believe there is not much that can't be fixed with a kitchen dance party and a good slice of cheesecake.

Join me as we do our best to create a happy and more joyful world. It all starts with us.

If you've still got questions for me or want to chat, please email me anytime!

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